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The US Senate now allowing ISP's to sell user data

According to the recent news, US senate has proposed and passed as law that the Internet Service Providers (ISP) need not explicitly ask the permission of the users to sell or share their personal information or browsing history to any third party.

A Republican Senator Jeff Flake first proposed this bill against the rules instituted last October by FCC that made ISP and Mobile carriers to make an opt-in permission to share their data with other companies.

But, Today the US Senate voted 50-48 to roll back the imposed rules. One of the vociferous opponents of the resolution, Democrat Senator Edward Markey told.

“The Republicans are saying to the American consuming public: ‘you have no privacy’. If you’re at home and you’ve got Comcast or Verizon, if you’ve got AT&T and they’re gathering all this information about you as a broadband provider, every site you go to, everything you’re doing, everything your children are doing – what they’re saying as of tonight: ‘no privacy, no privacy for your family’. Everything is out there to be captured by these big broadband barons.”

If the resolution passes, ISPs will be able to collect location, financial, healthcare and browsing data from customers by default. Furthermore, the resolution would not simply revoke the privacy rules for the time being.

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