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ISP's begin metadata gathering so Australian Human Rights Group declare ,, National get a VPN DAY''

Australia’s Mandatory data retention scheme which came into effect on April 13th, 2017 as ISP(Internet service providers), and Telecommunication companies are required to collect and retain the Users Internet Usage Metadata.

Now Australians Scramble to get a VPN. Tim Singleton Norton, the chairman of Australia’s Digital Rights Watch, explained the importance of Australia’s National Get a VPN Day:

It’s important that we mark this date – and pause to remember that a detailed picture of the private lives of Australian citizens is being collected by telecommunication companies on behalf of the Government. Many interactions we have in the digital world are being collected and stored by our communications providers, all without adequate safeguards.

The new law gives the power to ISPs and Telecoms from October 13th, 2015 until April 13th, 2017 to start storing all of Australia’s Internet and Phone activity.

What data will be stored?

Mobile to landline call destinations and durations.
Emails and Location information.
Internet browsing History and Destination IP(Not Mandatory but ISP might already store it for Internal purposes)

What is worse than this?

The stored information by the Australian’s Mass Surveillance program will soon be made available in civil cases like the copyright infringements. Likewise Recently Americans Privacy rights got robbed by Senate by allowing ISP to sell User Data.

Not only them the United Kingdom also made their ISP to store metadata for a one-year duration.

Don’t be surprised if the UK also eventually makes this metadata available in civil cases. Because they are already available to various government bodies like the Food Standards Agency and the Gambling Commission, along with all law enforcement.

Due to this serious act by the ISP and telecoms. Users need to take their privacy in own hands and get a VPN. since government, won’t protect your privacy.

That’s why we’ve declared [April 13] as a national day of action — we’re calling upon Australian citizens to educate themselves about the scale of this surveillance and take precautions accordingly.

Nothing is late so start protecting yourself with the use of a VPN.